Saturday, October 24, 2009


I was alone,in my empty gloomy world...
no one cared, no one listened and no one talked
I tried to fly away to an unseen world...
as I dreamt; to the world of happiness...

the whole world laughed at me,
and they told me "no you can't"
but I thought, that I could
but I failed as they wished..
They told me the truth; I got to know,
"Without wings,none can fly!"

I felt cold, I felt fear and I felt loneliness...
in all that I felt everything except one thing,
"what was it?" I started to find...
Aha...I found what it is,
the thing I searched throughout my life...
believe me, it was "happiness!"

Still I'm trying my best,
I should fly away from this world,
the world which doesn't care a bit
about the ones like myself,
I'll succeed, but I'm bit afraid,
but I should do that task...

The day I'm looking for
will soon come true..
but for the moment
I'm alone right now...

Chamara Madusanka

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Chamara :-)
    the last was so sad, hope
    you are doing well.Hugs and kisses


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